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Aristoklis Avgousti

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Aristoklis Avgousti Monument in Prastio Village Aristoklis Avgousti Monument in Prastio Village
Aristoklis Avgousti Monument in Prastio Village Aristoklis Avgousti Monument in Prastio Village
Aristoklis Avgousti Monument in Prastio Village

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The residents of Prastion responded to each request for defence of the nation. Aristokles Augusti played a crucial role in the EOKA’s actions during its liberation struggle from 1955 to 1959. After his demise, the community erected a monument in his honour. The erection in the hero’s honour is the minimum act of respect and appreciation for his person. In addition to himself and his family, a hero’s honour also extends to his hometown. Thus, every year on the anniversary of his death, following the memorial service held in the church, a wreath-laying ceremony is held. Aristocles Augustus’ memorial service is conducted at the end of May.
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