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Aristoklis Avgousti Monument

Aristoklis Avgousti

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  • Aristoklis Avgousti Monument in Prastio Village

  • Aristoklis Avgousti Monument in Prastio Village

Aristoklis Avgousti Monument in Prastio Village

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The residents of Prastion responded to each request for defence of the nation. Aristokles Augusti played a crucial role in the EOKA’s actions during its liberation struggle from 1955 to 1959. After his demise, the community erected a monument in his honour. The erection in the hero’s honour is the minimum act of respect and appreciation for his person. In addition to himself and his family, a hero’s honour also extends to his hometown. Thus, every year on the anniversary of his death, following the memorial service held in the church, a wreath-laying ceremony is held. Aristocles Augustus’ memorial service is conducted at the end of May.
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  • Loutro tou Chotzia in Prastio Village

    Mouslem Mosque

    Opposite the baths of Hodzia, the historic mosque (Mosque) where Muslims of the region performed their religious duties is preserved.

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  • Loutro tou Chotzia in Prastio Village

    Loutro tou Chotzia

    “Baths of Hodzias” are one of the remnants of the Turkish occupation in the village.

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  • Old Fountain Spring Water in Prastio Village

    Old Fountain Spring Water

    In the past, when water was not delivered to homes, people would transport water from the village tap to their homes.

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Mouslem Mosque

Mouslem Mosque

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  • Mouslem Mosque in Prastio Village

  • Mouslem Mosque in Prastio Village

Mouslem Mosque in Prastio Village

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Opposite the baths of Hodzia, the historic mosque (Mosque) where Muslims of the region performed their religious duties is preserved. It bears no Muslim symbols, such as a minaret or anything else. It is a structure with its own barrier that serves as a reminder of the Turkish Cypriots’ presence in the village prior to their transfer to the occupied areas of our island. According to some accounts, prior to its conversion into a mosque, this location was a Christian church. This is not ruled out, as there are numerous examples of Christians converting in our country.
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  • Loutro tou Chotzia in Prastio Village

    Aristoklis Avgousti Monument

    The residents of Prastion responded to each request for defence of the nation.

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  • Loutro tou Chotzia in Prastio Village

    Old Fountain Spring Water

    In the past, when water was not delivered to homes, people would transport water from the village tap to their homes.

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  • Loutro tou Chotzia in Prastio Village

    Loutro tou Chotzia

    “Baths of Hodzias” are one of the remnants of the Turkish occupation in the village.

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Stelios Agathokleous Monument

Stelios Agathokleous

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  • Stelios Agathokleous Monument in Prastio Village

  • Stelios Agathokleous Monument in Prastio Village

Stelios Agathokleous Monument in Prastio Village

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The residents of Prastion responded to each request for defence of the nation. During the EOKA liberation struggle from 1955 to 1959, Stelios Agathokleous played a crucial role in the organisation of EOKA’s actions. After his demise, the community erected a monument in his honour. The erection in the hero’s honour is the minimum act of respect and appreciation for his person. In addition to himself and his family, a hero’s honour also extends to his hometown. Thus, every year on the anniversary of his death, following the memorial service held in the church, a wreath-laying ceremony is held. Stelios Agathokleus’ memorial service is conducted in mid-June.
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  • Loutro tou Chotzia in Prastio Village

    Aristoklis Avgousti Monument

    The residents of Prastion responded to each request for defence of the nation.

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  • Loutro tou Chotzia in Prastio Village

    Mouslem Mosque

    Opposite the baths of Hodzia, the historic mosque (Mosque) where Muslims of the region performed their religious duties is preserved.

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  • Loutro tou Chotzia in Prastio Village

    Loutro tou Chotzia

    “Baths of Hodzias” are one of the remnants of the Turkish occupation in the village.

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Old Fountain Spring Water

Old Fountain Spring Water

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  • Stelios Agathokleous Monument in Prastio Village

  • Stelios Agathokleous Monument in Prastio Village

Stelios Agathokleous Monument in Prastio Village

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In the past, when water was not delivered to homes, people would transport water from the village tap to their homes.
The fountain served as a focal point for the community’s residents and played an essential role. The village tap has inspired numerous folk tunes and plays. Gerovrysi of Prasteio is a gorgeously landscaped area suitable for any event, as well as a place where everyone can find peace and tranquilly beneath the tall trees and on the beautiful stone benches. Here you can see the old tables – vats where village women washed their families’ clothes and shepherds watered their animals.
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  • Loutro tou Chotzia in Prastio Village

    Stelios Agathokleous Monument

    The residents of Prastion responded to each request for defence of the nation.

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  • Loutro tou Chotzia in Prastio Village

    Aristoklis Avgousti Monument

    The residents of Prastion responded to each request for defence of the nation.

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  • Loutro tou Chotzia in Prastio Village

    Mouslem Mosque

    Opposite the baths of Hodzia, the historic mosque (Mosque) where Muslims of the region performed their religious duties is preserved.

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Loutro tou Chotzia

Loutro tou Chotzia

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  • Stelios Agathokleous Monument in Prastio Village

  • Stelios Agathokleous Monument in Prastio Village

Stelios Agathokleous Monument in Prastio Village

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“Baths of Hodzias” are one of the remnants of the Turkish occupation in the village. In addition, many Turkish Cypriots resided in the village for decades. Hodzias’s presence in this village was significant because he played a significant role. Hodzias’is a scholar of Islamic law and his primary responsibility, in addition to his other duties, is that of a teacher, according to the Muslim religion. The baths attributed to Hodzia are a tiny area where the Muslim religion’s representative and other prominent men of his time bathed. In the baths, there were workers who performed duties such as lighting the fire and heating the cauldron with water in order to operate the baths. There are three basic chambers in the bathrooms. Additionally, these baths have been preserved, renovated, and redesigned to become one of the village’s attractions.
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  • Loutro tou Chotzia in Prastio Village

    Old Fountain Spring Water

    In the past, when water was not delivered to homes, people would transport water from the village tap to their homes.

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  • Loutro tou Chotzia in Prastio Village

    Stelios Agathokleous Monument

    The residents of Prastion responded to each request for defence of the nation.

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  • Loutro tou Chotzia in Prastio Village

    Aristoklis Avgousti Monument

    The residents of Prastion responded to each request for defence of the nation.

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Places to Visit in Prastio
The village of Prasteio Avdimou is brimming with marvellous and entrancing sights. It is difficult to determine whether natural, historical, or religious attractions would be more beneficial. Due to the abundance of fascinating places to visit, however, it is possible for the average traveller to experience every aspect of the town.

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